Rav Rubanowitz

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Rav Rubanowitz

Rav Baruch Rubanowitz has benefited from a wide range of Torah scholarship both in the U.S. and Israel. He studied under some of the gedolim of the last generation, including Rav Gustman, Rav Simcha Wasserman, Rav Yaakov Weinberg, Rav Kulefsky and Rav Abba Berman z”l. The Rav received semicha from Beth Medrash Gavoha, in Lakewood, N.J. with the distinction of being the first bachur in Lakewood yeshiva history to earn semicha. The Rav pursued his Torah scholarship under other Torah giants and received semicha as a Dayan from Rav Yosef Cohen, z”l.

Rav Rubanowitz has found a place in the hearts of his present Rabbonim, most notably, Rav Shlomo Fisher and Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg shlit”a, who have proudly conferred him with a semicha covering the entire Shulchan Aruch. They see in him genuine Jewish leadership for our generation and invest their energies in him accordingly.

The Rav specializes in Gittin, medical and business halacha. He practices as a Dayan at Beis Din Nesivos Chaim in Mattesdorf, as Rav of Kehillat Kol Rina in Nachlaot, and as a mohel in the Yerusholayim-Beit Shemesh area. He also teaches regularly, counsels and is a professional mediator for business negotiations, family matters and divorce agreements. He has written articles on Jewish ethics and halacha and is a qualified shochet.

Rav Rubanowitz and his Rebbetzin hail from Los Angeles, and he was encouraged by his wife to move to Eretz Yisrael so that they may raise their family and continue their studies and teaching there.
